Home books Symbology of the form

Symbology of the form


Rafael Doníz

Rama ediciones | 2021
Text by Rafael Doníz

Poem by Alberto Ruy Sánchez

ISBN 978-607-461-291-2

Size: 16 x 32 cm
Pages: 144
Binding: Hardcover


I believe that all the beings and things of the universe have their place and importance, neither more nor less. It is this belief that allows me to approach my photographic work freely, I do not follow genre or tendency, I just attempt to express myself freely through my images and seek to express what is pleasurable to my eyes, I seek beauty and everything that inspires me and this is what prevails in my images.

I present this reflection as an introduction to this set of photographs that I have entitled “Symbology of the Form” as they are the product of a thoughtless act rather than of a thoughtful and calculated one.

Rafael Doníz