Home exhibitions Vulcano Mexico

Vulcano Mexico


Rafael Doniz photography

Manuel Felguérez Gallery
Prolongación Canal de Miramontes 3855, Tlalpan, México City
May 28th to july 16th 2010

Vulcano México is a collection of nearly twenty photographs of medium and large format, in which Rafael Doníz shows a Mexican territory plenty of volcanoes: “For me, they are identity of my ‘Mexicanity’, that’s why I chose this theme”. It visually tells the story of his voyages through this land of volcanoes, crowned with snow and lakes, and its petrified flows, among which the Popocatépetl, the Iztaccíhuatl, the Pico de Orizaba or Citlaltépetl, the Malinche, the Paricutín and the Xitle stand out.

The Vulcano México series, by Rafael Doníz, who was a student of Manuel Alvarez Bravo (1902-2002), consists of approximately 200 images, of which he made a careful selection for this exhibition.